About Us

We are a Minnesota-based consulting company specializing
in SAP consulting services and project management.

Minneapolis SAP Service

Our Story

I enjoy sharing the story of our unique business model at Phoenix Endeavors. It is commonly met with a bit of skepticism but generates interesting discussions and contemplation. We are constantly adapting as we encounter new challenges, but thus far have enjoyed success despite our lack of traditional structure.

Our partnership began in January of 2007 as four friends with the simple mission of providing the best SAP systems implementation and support service in the Minneapolis-St Paul area. Our model, business practices, and growth have followed this focus.

– Matt Christensen

We would love To Partner With You
Contact Us
Give Us A Call
(612) 225-5607

Our Consultants

Here are some faces that work with us every day

noneLen Bainbridge
GaborBartok2 Gabor Bartok
noneAlex Campbell
MattChristensen2Matt Christensen
Pat_Dagget_-_HeadshotPat Daggett
MichelleEccless1Michelle Eccless
noneTom Goodsell
ColinHames - Phoenix EndeavorsColin Hames
Keith HogieKeith Hogie
BrianHubertyBrian Huberty
Dave Kellogg - Phoenix EndeavorsDave Kellogg
Molly Kennedy
KristinKnight2Kristin Knight
John Marvin - Phoenix EndeavorsJohn Marvin
KellyMcColemanKelly McKenna Coleman
MikePink2Mike Pink
JeffQuinnJeff Quinn
John Reedy
Bill Schlosser
MarkSchwinDingerMark Schwendinger
Scott SellScott Sell
Brad Simon
Cori Simon
Mike_Simpson_NewMike Simpson
JulieSquiresKiddooJulie Squires Kiddoo
CurtTimmerman1Curt Timmerman
noneMike Tompkins
noneSean Tompkins

Become A Partner

If you have a strong SAP background and a
“Whatever it takes” attitude , submit your resume.